Entries by Michael

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The Future of Australian Shortwave Radio in the Asia Pacific

In 2017, the shortwave radio airwaves fell silent with the cessation of Australian domestic and international shortwave radio broadcasts. This was the culmination of withdrawing funding from a variety of Australia Government Departments including the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and ultimately the Australian Broadcasting Corporation. The ABC labeled shortwave radio an antiquated technology […]

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The Importance of Shortwave Radio in the Modern Technology Mix

Shortwave Radio is ‘everywhere’ Natural Disaster is often unpredictable, yet life threatening and devastating. Papua New Guinea (PNG), Tonga and Vanautu, have all experienced trauma through natural disasters this year. Papua New Guinea experienced a 7.5 magnitude earthquake and Tonga and Vanuatu enduring cyclones, Cyclone Gita and Hola respectively. It is crucial during times like […]

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S-8800 reviewed in Silicon Chip Magazine

The Tecsun S-8800 has been a long time coming to the Australian market so we’re very excited that Silicon Chip Magazine has featured this great new addition to our range of radios in their most recent July 2017 magazine! Here are some of the great things they had to say about the P-8800. “If you […]

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Father’s Day 2017 Shipping Dates

Happy Father’s Day, to every dad out there! Please note our shipping deadline dates below to ensure your Tecsun Radios gifts arrive before Sunday, September 3rd … DESTINATION Last order via STANDARD POST Last order via EXPRESS POST Australia Order before 2pm on Wednesday, August 23rd Order before 2pm on Wednesday, August 30th New Zealand Order before […]

RadioJayAllen reviews the Tecsun S-2000

Radio enthusiast Jay, founder of review site RadioJayAllen, recently reviewed the Tecsun S-2000 on his blog. Jay reviewed an early sample of this multi-band portable model many years ago, but was interested to re-test the newer version of the S-2000 to see the difference. Here are some of his comments: “…the S-2000 competes very well with contemporary portables […]