Entries by Michael

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Listen Out For The Worlds Most Powerful HF Transmitter October 23-26

HAARP transmissions Oct 23-26  The High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program, or HAARP, is a scientific endeavor aimed at studying the properties and behavior of the ionosphere. HAARP utilises is the world’s most capable high-power, frequency agile HF transmitter for study of the ionosphere, with a power output of 3.6 Gigawatts. The primary instrument at the […]

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Amateur Radio Operators Assist in Guiding Disabled Boat to Bay

We came across a story this month that reminded us of the importance of being educated in radio communication and a reminder of what a resourceful,  knowledgeable, and helpful community amateur radio operators are. On September 7, 2022, a boat named  SV Nereida traveling from ​​Cape Flattery, the northwesternmost point of the USA to San Francisco, […]

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As we continue on from our letter to Dad, the next point our author makes is that “radio answers our desire to travel” It in fact safely satisfies the desire to explore, learn about new places and speak with new people, but this time from the comfort of your own home, and watchful eyes of […]

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International Lighthouse Weekend 2022

Have you heard of the International Lighthouse weekend? This is an annual event held by International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend (ILLW) where radio operators connect with each other from all around the globe on this one weekend in August. But the difference, they are all operating from different lighthouses around the world!!   This year […]

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The Mystery of Numbers Stations

Have you heard of Numbers Stations or ghost frequencies?  Here are the main distinguishable aspects of a ghost frequency. The source of these broadcasts is unknown. Their purpose is unknown. They are all shortwave radio, the source of which can be hard to track. Many people speculate they are old war time frequencies that have […]