Entries by Michael

ORARC 46th Annual Field Day 2022

This June Long Weekend, get ready for the annual event held by the ORARC over TWO exciting days!! The Oxley Region Amateur Radio Club annual Field Day will be held at the Wauchope Showground hall with all the usual field day activities on Saturday and Sunday the 11th and 12th of June 2022 during the […]


Pirate Radio: An Introduction

Pirate radio is the name for somebody who broadcasts over the airwaves without a valid license, But it gets deeper than that. There are several factors that would classify a broadcaster as a “Pirate”. Besides not having a valid transmit licence, actions like failure to transmit a station identification or exceed the transmit power ( […]

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  The event will be held 1st of May, with a large portion of the event undercover. Entry Ticket Presales Begin at 8:00 AM General Entry Opens at 8:30 AM Tecsun Radios Australia are proud to attend this event that features educational lectures, car boot sales, new product releases, opportunities to attain or extend or […]

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The International Amateur Radio union (IARU) was formed on this day in 1925.  A celebration of how amateur radio has been serving people for over 100 years. With over 3 million radio amateurs worldwide this day is the perfect time to tune in and connect with fellow hobbyists. Date: Monday April 18, 2022 Time : […]

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This Feb 13th is World Annual World Radio day.

This Annual event dedicated to radio was created by *UNESCO in 2011. *UNESCO stands for The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation which is a specialised agency of the United Nations aimed at promoting world peace and security through international cooperation in education, arts, sciences, and culture. The first-ever world radio day commenced in […]

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The Famous World Radio TV Handbook-76th Edition

Tecsun Radios Australia is proud to offer you the opportunity to own this piece of history in the making!  This is 76th edition is the last printed edition of the famous World Radio and Television Handbook, used by shortwave enthusiasts around the world since 1947. Do not miss the opportunity to acquire the last printed version of the […]