Entries by Michael

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Amateur Radio Australia Day Contest.

Got plans for Australia Day? You may want to change them and test your shortwave operating skills! This Australia Day why not enter the Amateur Radio Australia Day contest? This is the first time this contest has been held to promote community participation and to improve operating skills and will no doubt become an institution […]

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National Radio of the Amazon has decided to use DRM shortwave transmissions to serve indigenous populations in the northern Amazon region.

The People of the Amazon will soon be covered by DRM shortwave as National Radio of the Amazon orders a 100 kW BT transmitter The vast area of the Amazon known as the Amazon Rainforest is the largest tropical ecosystem in the world, with rainforest covering roughly 40% of South America, stretching over ten countries […]

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All Hallows Eve and Thriller Radio In Australia.

  Picture this, a family huddled around the radio on Halloween, the sun is going down and a spooky story unfolds, everybody listens intently, imagination is working overtime, a bell chimes, there is a scream….  Before television, radio was the entertainment of choice in homes across Australia. During the 20th century,  radio broadcasts varied greatly, […]

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76th 2021 Oceania DX (OCDX) Contest

What is the contest? Every year a contest is held that promotes HF contacts to and from amateur radio stations in the Oceana region as well as contacts between stations inside Oceania. Points are allocated for each contact depending upon the location. There is no penalty for working non-Oceania stations but contacts between non-Oceania stations […]