The recent temporary failure of an Inmarsat satellite serving the Pacific, has forced commercial aircraft to rely on the backup HF communications system used between air traffic controllers and pilots over the Pacific.

On April 16 the satellite began experiencing a service outage affecting aircraft transiting through the North and South Pacific Major World Air Route Areas (MWARA).

Increased traffic was heard on 5643, 8867, 13261, 17904 kHz in the South Pacific (San Francisco, Auckland, Brisbane, Nadi, Tahiti and 5628, 6655, 8951, 10048, 13339, 17946 and 21925 kHz in the North Pacific (San Francisco, Tokyo) areas. All frequencies listed are USB.

The services did not fully recover until April 21. The satellite had experienced a previous failure in 2008 and is 5 years past the predicted operational lifetime. Bearing this in mind, enthusiasts may discover increased HF traffic during this period of satellite uncertainty, proving that HF radio is far from obsolete.

 A celebration of how amateur radio has been serving people for over 100 years.

With over 3 million radio amateurs worldwide this day is the perfect time to tune in and connect with fellow hobbyists.

Date: Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Time : All Day

This year’s theme is “Human Security for All, HS4A” 

The theme is born from a first time partnership between the United Nations Trust Fund for Human Security and the World Academy of Art and Science in conjunction with IARU, in a campaign to highlight the role that amateur radio plays in addressing the world’s most pressing needs.

Human Security measures security at the individual level. First introduced by the U.N. in 1994, the concept identifies seven interrelated dimensions of security that are essential to an individual’s wellbeing: economic, food, health, environmental, personal, community, and political.

The partners believe Amateur Radio is uniquely positioned to address people-centered, context-specific security challenges by promoting technical knowledge, practical skills, innovative technology, and the deployment of backup systems at the community level that can be called upon in times of emergency. The pandemic, climate change, natural disasters, and armed conflicts on several continents undermine our security, and respect no boundaries. Amateur Radio has repeatedly demonstrated its ability to address human security needs. It is a truly global communications medium comprising some three million radio enthusiasts connecting communities and the peoples of the world.

Every year on April 18, Radio Amateurs worldwide take to the airwaves in celebration of Amateur Radio Day. This year the IARU and its member-societies will be conducting a special two-week on-the-air event 11–25 April. Special event stations will be operating from around the world, making two-way radio contacts to call attention to the HS4A campaign. There are a number of stations involved.

Simply click this link to participate,to read more and participate,  look for the blue participate button on the top right of the page and register.

We would love to hear if you are planning to participate.

Products we recommend for this event are the XIEGU G90 HF Transceiver, our HF Amateur Radio Dipole Antenna, and of course, our ultra-comfortable TRA communications headphones, so you can block out the world and improve your listening comfort!




sydney to hobart radio listen

For the last 77 years, the Sydney to Hobart yacht race has been run on Boxing Day December 26. After 1 year off due to Covid in 2020, the race was run again last Boxing Day in 2021

We are excited to announce that the cannon will sound at the start of the race once again this Boxing Day as the ​​Rolex Sydney to Hobart yacht race commences again this year on 26 December 2022 and ends on December 31, 2022

The 628 nautical mile race starts at 1 pm, and this year 111 yachts will take part.

 All radio sked frequencies and times remain the same as last year and are listed below.

Radio Relay Vessel, JBW will shadow the fleet throughout the race and will dock in Hobart with the fleet.

As the name suggests, the race is from Sydney to Hobart. Installation of an operational HF transceiver is mandatory for all vessels entered in the race.

HF and shortwave radio enthusiasts can listen in to position and weather reports during the race by monitoring the following frequencies:

Primary HF frequency: 4483 kHz USB

Secondary frequency: 6516 kHz USB

6516 kHz USB is constantly monitored by relay vessel “JBW” owned and donated for use during the race by Mr John Winning, owner of Appliances Online. JBW is a 70 foot motor cruiser.

Weather forecasts (Bureau of Meteorology):

4426 kHz, 8176 kHz, 12365 kHz and 16546 kHz, USB at 1030, 1430 and 1830 AEST daily, 2201 kHz, 6507 kHz, 8176 kHz and 12365 kHz USB at 0230, 0630 and 2230 AEST daily.

Tasmanian weather forecasts on the above frequencies at: 1130 and 1530 AEST

Tasmanian maritime radio:

2524 kHz, 4146 kHz, and 6627 khz USB at 0745, 1345, 1633 and 1903 AEST

Position reports:

4483 kHz USB at 1935, 2035 and 0635AEST daily

Spring VHF/UHF Field Day 2022


Contest is this Saturday November 26th at  01:00 UTC ( around midday Sydney time)

Running for 34 years now, the VHF/UHF Field day was originally run as a trial in January 1989. It was very well received and consequently became an annual event. An additional event was trialled in Spring, a Spring Field day, which also proved very successful, so much so that a 3rd event was launched, the Winter Field day which was introduced in 2008

The duration of the Field Day is 24 hours and consists of separate sections for both group and individual entrants giving radio operators an opportunity to “head for the hills” to see how many stations they can work and from how far away.

It is possible to do very well with only modest antennas if you pick a good hilltop. Another option, if your station is easily transportable, is to operate from more than one location during the contest period.

Interestingly, the Field Days  generate a lot of activity from home stations, so there is also a separate Home Station section.

All contacts must be simplex: There is plenty of FM activity, but one feature of the Field Days is a high level of SSB activity. (contacts through repeaters or satellites are not allowed).

Aim Of The Contest

The overriding aim is to get away for the weekend and have fun! But next after that, the aims are:

  To encourage more activity on VHF and microwave bands;

  To encourage people to work greater distances than usual by operating portable, and

  To provide opportunities for people to activate or work into new grid squares.


Contest Rules

Full details of the contest rules are available in the “Files for Download” section below.

Contest Scoring

VHF-UHF Field Days employ distance-based scoring, using your 6-character Maidenhead locator (the Sub-Square).


Full details of the scoring system are set out in the Rules.


Further Information on Maidenhead Locators


Each four-digit Maidenhead locator (Square) identifies an area which covers one degree of latitude and two degrees of longitude. Detailed explanation of the Maidenhead locator system can be found in the Download section below. Also available is a computer program that can convert latitude and longitude into grid locators, and vice versa.


To find the six digit Maidenhead locator for any location, click this Link.

Submitting Your Log

Logs should be accompanied by a cover sheet, as described in the rules. A sample scoring sheet is available for download at the bottom of this page.


Only electronic logs in ASCII (.txt) format are accepted now, unless some disability necessitates a paper log, which must be submitted as set out in the Rules. Upload your log files to the Field Day website via this Link

Contest Results

The aim is to have results finalised approximately four weeks after the Field Day, with the results posted here, publicised via the usual WIA channels and then published subsequently in Amateur Radio magazine.


Contest Award

Each top-scoring station in every Section–Sub-section will receive a colour certificate in .PDF format, sent to the contact email address on their log cover sheet.


Top-scoring Foundation stations will also receive a colour certificate.

Logging Software

Any logging software can be used so long as the necessary information is included in the log. Please refer to the rules for details about this.


 This information has been provided by the Wireless Institute of Australia all rights reserved.

The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia

Click here for further information 

Shortwave radio for travelling

Australia is an incredible place to travel, essentially offering something for all tastes. Being the world’s 6th largest country by land area- Australia offers some of the most varied travel experiences and indeed there is something for all types of travellers’ tastes and budgets.

Whether you are after rainforest treks, snowy mountains, historic towns, country hospitality, desert explorations, sparkling harbour cities, or perfectly pleasant seaside retreats, Australia has it all.

Even prior to travel restrictions in recent years, Australians have been enjoying exploring what this beautiful country has to offer.

Communities of “grey nomads” and gap year families have hit the road for the ultimate adventure and unplug for a while and experience a simpler lifestyle while exploring nature and learning about this beautiful country.

Speaking of Grey nomads, also called “roving retirees” the top 5 most popular places to visit in Australia by this ever-growing group are The Whitsundays, Margaret River, Byron Bay, Mandalay Beach, Noosa, Wineglass Bay. All such relaxing sounding destinations. Are any of these on your list in the future?

With the summer fast approaching we will see a further increase in travelers, set out to tour this vast country, so we felt it fitting to feature our most popular radios for travel, particularly in the outback where there can be little to no reception.

This is where shortwave radio comes in. Shortwave radio travels much further than AM/ FM  and broadcasts can be received over a distance of several thousand miles in places where there is little to no local reception.

We have a variety of radios available, like travel in Australia, we have something for all tastes and budgets!

Starting with The Tecsun PL310ET Multi-Band Radio

The Tecsun PL310ET Multi-Band Radio boasts features you would traditionally find on a much larger radio including provision for an external antenna, Digital Signal Processing (DSP), and selectable IF bandwidth which produces amazing audio performance from such a small receiver. 

The Easy Tune Mode (ETM) ensures stations already stored in the receiver memory are not overridden when an automatic scan is conducted. Tecsun’s inclusion of ETM in the features of the PL310ET Multi-Band Radio make this model one of the most fully featured portable radios for travellers.


  • Alarm / Sleep Function
  • Easy Tune Mode
  • Digital Signal Processing for increased audio clarity
  • Auto Tuning Storage with ETM
  • AM / SW Selectable Bandwidth
  • Direct Frequency Entry
  • Dual Sleep Timers
  • Signal Strength Meter
  • External Antenna Socket (3.5mm)
  • Headphone Socket (3.5mm)
  • Battery Power Level Display
  • Dimensions 141 x 87 x 30mm


shortwave radio


Next on the list is the  Tecsun PL-368 DSP Handheld HF SSB Receiver  is the latest hand held version of the popular PL-360/365 series of receivers.  The form factor of this radio makes it very convenient to store in your grab bag or glovebox. This latest version includes a keypad for direct frequency entry, and a synchronous detector to help overcome fading on shortwave signals. The SSB capability offers 10Hz tuning steps. The external antenna socket operates on MW as well as SW, which is a great advantage for MW Dx’ers. Current stock has firmware version 3684 installed.

 The Tecsun PL-330 is the latest pocket sized DSP portable receiver offering SSB capability. This feature, coupled with direct frequency entry makes the PL-330 the ideal radio for those wishing to listen to shortwave radio utility stations, amateur radio transmissions as well as regular shortwave broadcasts.  The Tecsun PL-330 is powered by a BL-5C 1000mAh Li-ion battery offering up to 24 hours of continuous operation. The Tecsun PL-330 is the first receiver to offer ETM+, a search function that populates  24 time specific memories according to the hour of day in which the signal was received.   For example, stations stored between 0900 and 0950 will be stored in memory E09. Using this system an individual ETM memory can be made for each hour of the day.  Pressing the ETM button once the initial frequencies have been stored, automatically selects the frequencies previously stored at that time of day. The Tecsun Pl-330 also features AM synchronous detection of the shortwave bands, a feature rarely found on such a small sized receiver.

When you are on the road the community in many of the holiday parks is incredible, with many a social gathering, particularly in the evening time, which can often be during some of the best shortwave broadcast times. A great way to listen in privacy is with your very own set of TRA Communications headphones, featuring super soft memory foam that contours to your ear shape for the most comfortable listening experience.

In addition these headphones offer good dynamic range,which is achieved by the use of efficient 50mm NdFeB magnet drivers. The 3m connection cable means there is always sufficient length for headphone monitoring whilst engaged in other activities in your radio shack.  These headphones can be used with any communicatons product with  either a 3.5mm or 6.35mm stereo output socket. The durable, vacuum formed carry case, ensures your headphones are protected when not in use.




RNX DRM transmitter upgrade

In September 2022, Ampegon Power Electronics AG and RNZ (New Zealand public broadcaster) signed a contract to supply a new TSW2100-V4 100 kW shortwave transmitter to New Zealand. The transmitter will broadcast the RNZ Pacific service to millions of people living across the Pacific with high reliability and energy efficiency:

For many years now RNZ has used DRM to feed FM stations in the Pacific islands, a sustainable and ingenious way to use the digital DRM standard to distribute analogue content and introduce digital broadcasting to far-away places in the Pacific. RNZ provides an essential shortwave service, 24 hours a day, for 22 broadcasting partners across the Pacific region.

This new transmitter upgrades their service to the newest standards, the most modern capabilities, and together with their current transmitter, can provide redundancy or additional services in the future,

The TSW-2100 transmitters is capable of both traditional analogue broadcasts and DRM digital broadcasting. It is designed to provide DSB and AMC analogue modes to significantly reduce power consumption and when broadcasting DRM, energy usage is reduced by up to 40% without compromising broadcast range.

Additionally, DRM provides FM quality stereo sound alongside a data stream which can be used to send text messages, advertising, images and the “Journaline” text service which provides capabilities for remote learning.

RNZ drm shirtwave radio transmitter

Richard Sutherland, Head of News at RNZ explains:. RNZ shortwave transmissions are a lifeline source of information, which helps to support sustainable social and economic resilience”.

The new transmitter is planned to be delivered in 2023 and put into operation in early 2024

A spokesperson from Ampegnon, Simon Keens said “With growing global instability, Ampegon is receiving more and more frequent requests for shortwave transmitters, which are capable of extremely long range international and intercontinental broadcasting. Additionally, with the increasing cost of energy, DRM digital shortwave broadcasting makes a lot of sense, saving over 40% of the energy at the flick of a switch. Radio New Zealand has chosen one of our most economical transmitter setups for maximum efficiency, while providing FM quality DRM coverage over the entire Pacific region over shortwave for decades to come.”


A Transmission Art Work for Ionospheric shortwave
HAARP transmissions Oct 23-26 
The High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program, or HAARP, is a scientific endeavor aimed at studying the properties and behavior of the ionosphere.
HAARP utilises is the world’s most capable high-power, frequency agile HF transmitter for study of the ionosphere, with a power output of 3.6 Gigawatts.
The primary instrument at the HAARP facility is the Ionospheric Research Instrument (IRI), a high power 180-antenna strong phased array transmitter that can transmit between 2.7 MHz and 10 MHz at a maximum effective radiated power (ERP) of 5.1 Gigawatts, or 97.1 dBW.

The HAARP program is committed to developing a world-class ionospheric research facility consisting of:

  • The Ionospheric Research Instrument, a high power transmitter facility operating in the High Frequency range. The IRI can be used to temporarily excite a limited area of the ionosphere for scientific study.
  • A sophisticated suite of scientific or diagnostic instruments that can be used to observe the physical processes that occur in the excited region.

Observation of the processes resulting from the use of the IRI in a controlled manner will allow scientists to better understand processes that occur continuously under the natural stimulation of the sun.

The facility in Alaska used for scientific study of the ionosphere, and the possibility of enhancing the reflective characteristics or the ionosphere from the ground. Whilst this is scientifically interesting, it does have military applications. If generating a high power radio signal on earth could influence the reflection of signals from the magnetosphere or ionosphere, by changing the location of reflected signals coming back to earth, military communications could be enhanced or degraded at will.
Shortwave listeners might like to try to listen for these signals and record their findings of this unique event.
During this series of high power RF experiments, programming will be provided: A Transmission Art Work for Ionospheric Research Instruments by Amanda Dawn Christie.  Details of programs and schedules can be found here:
There is also provision on this website to submit a reception report and view past reception reports from listeners around the world of previous experimemnts.  Past reception reports include one from New Zealand, so the signal should be receivable in Australia. The schedule of shortwave broadcasts that should be received around the world are below, or click  here:

Composition #2 October 2022

Most shortwave listeners will be interested in the radio sections:

XI, XII, XVIII, and XX which will be broadcast every day at the times nominated in the schedule.

Shortwave Haarp transmissions

shortwave HAARP broad cast

shortwave test broadcast


For more of the broadcast descriptions and schedule, click here

We came across a story this month that reminded us of the importance of being educated in radio communication and a reminder of what a resourceful,  knowledgeable, and helpful community amateur radio operators are.

On September 7, 2022, a boat named  SV Nereida traveling from ​​Cape Flattery, the northwesternmost point of the USA to San Francisco, California became disabled after 2 days of 35 knot winds and storms. 

81 year old Jan Socrates, an experienced sailor who has sailed around the world without assistance, and in fact has been the oldest person to do so, found herself very low on power and her onboard radio equipment marginally operational. But her knowledge of amateur meant she knew how to get her message out to a community who could help!

Amateur operators in New Mexico, California, and Canada, and members of Group 7.155 heard her requests for assistance.

One such person who heard her request and in fact was able to contact Socrates on 40 metres was Gil Gray, N2GG. “Her power was extremely low, and she was unable to communicate on 14.300 MHz to notify the monitoring group on that frequency,” said Gray. “She needed help with wind and sea conditions, and tidal data for San Francisco Bay,” he added.

Q5 copy was almost impossible due to the low-power output on the HF radio which would typically be Q2 or Q3. Thankfully several software-defined radio (SDR) operators were on hand  in California, Utah, and Maui, Hawaii, who were able to glean enough copy to understand her situation and answer questions for her navigation.

Another stroke of luck was that several of these radio operators were also experienced sailors and helped guide Socrates through periodic contact with weather and wind reports.

Their last contact was on Monday, September 12, at 11:00 AM (MSDT). By this time, Socrates was sailing with only the forward sail on her 38-foot sloop. Thankfully, a “following wind” kept her moving without a mainsail. 

As the Golden Gate Bridge appeared within sight, Socrates was able to use the tidal information passed on by amateur radio operators to make it safely to Berkeley Marina in San Francisco Bay.

“I wouldn’t call it a rescue,” said Socrates, “just good amateur radio assistance — and I’m grateful for their help.”

This is actually one of 3 events in September in which amateur radio was able to provide emergency assistance.

If you would like to learn more about Jan Socrates’ travels, take a look at her Facebook page.

Do you know somebody who loves to travel and who would benefit from knowledge of shortwave? Send them this article, and indeed a link to this website as we have lots in interesting shortwave news, links, and resources, as well as the best range of shortwave radios available in Australia.

Adapted from the original article that can be found on



RNZ shirtwave

In recent and welcome news, RNZ (Radio New Zealand) shortwave radio broadcasts have resumed from the hours of 5am to 9am ( NZ time) to the ​​Pacific region. A service that ceased back in 2016.

As a result of this decision, listeners in the remote areas of the Pacific will now have 24-hour access to these broadcasts instead of it turning off early in the morning every day. 

We have previously reported just how important these broadcasts are for many remote communities who regularly endure unexpected weather patterns and can lose contact with the mainland and emergency services. Emergencies don’t stop between the hours of 5am and 9am, therefore access to emergency broadcasts shouldn’t either.

We applaud the decision by the NZ Government to contribute extra funding for shortwave services. We hope the Australian Government is taking notes!

One of the most widely listened to broadcasts is the RNZ Pacific’s flagship daily current affairs programme Pacific Waves which is also broadcast by the BBC Pacific Service.

So, what will be broadcast ? At various times RNZ will run 3 different frequencies, at 5am NZT tune in on 7425 kilohertz, at 6am NZT listen on 9700 kilohertz, and at 8am NZT change the dial to 11725 kilohertz

This information and image is courtesy of the RNZ website.

For the full schedule of shortwave frequencies check out the RNZ Pacific website.

As we continue on from our letter to Dad, the next point our author makes is that “radio answers our desire to travel” It in fact safely satisfies the desire to explore, learn about new places and speak with new people, but this time from the comfort of your own home, and watchful eyes of parents!

Amateur radio furnishes a safe outlet for this desire; flinging messages across thousands of miles of spaces, chatting with fellow amateurs in the far corners of the earth, sending the spoken word into faraway homes, exploring the mysteries of the ultra-short waves, all of these things spell thrilling adventure to the youth of today. Why that is the factor that makes the hobby so fascinating to the boys from seven to seventy. They are given a chance to do things which they never did before; they are permitted to talk to people whom they will never see. Amateur radio has given them a key to a “magic world” of modern science, and they revel in their esoteric delights.

 Further stating that it will give him his desire to work and earn money and stay focused on broadening his world while not leaving home.

His next point is that Amateur Radio is an Urge to Greater Scholastic Endeavours.

This is in response to the fathers concerns that this hobby is a distraction from his school and study. Our author explains that radio is actually a science that requires a high level of mathematics that goes beyond simple multiplication and subtraction.

 “Jack will soon find himself up against formulae that will require a more than superficial acquaintance with the higher branches of mathematics. A knowledge of physics is nearly indispensable for the radio amateur. Light and sound are so closely related to electricity that a knowledge of the principles of all three should be in the mental quiver of the conscientious amateur. Chemistry, too, will prove to be a basic science for this new hobby. You have only to point out these facts to Jack and you will find him viewing these subjects with an entirely new interest. Encourage him to approach his hobby from a scientific angle. Make him desire to know the why as soon as he has learned the how. Let him learn the thrill of being able to forecast exactly how his apparatus will function even before he assembles the parts.”

Further to this point, the author emphasises that while the world is being opened up to young Jack through radio, he will in turn become more interested in news and events of the world, broadening his desire to learn and be more worldly. So in fact this hobby will not make him an introvert who shys away from study, chances are it will be the exact opposite.

The next point is quite amusing and titled No Danger of Son Becoming Radio “Nut”

This point is in response to Jack’s dad saying he wants Jack to stop this hobby before he becomes a “radio nut”

Our author starts by saying, I know what you mean, I have seen that individual, and I know what a bore he is. He then reassures him that based on his knowledge of the boy, the boy’s passion for outdoor sports, his talents in athletics, and the fact that Jack and his dad regularly go on fishing and hunting trips shows that the boy has a well balanced life and interests. In addition, the boy has a fantastic group of friends and an active social scene. He asks Jack’s dad, with all these extracurricular activities, do you fear Jack is unbalanced? If anything, simply because he is so active the hobby will be a good grounding factor. His opinion is that “the hobby will really balance up his life. At the present time, there is too strong an accent on the lazy, careless seeking entertainment. Nothing the boy does builds toward a definite achievement by which he can measure his progress. This new hobby will inject a note of serious study and painstaking construction into his present butterfly existence. His completed station will be something that he can show to his friends with that pleasant glow of pride which arises from a knowledge of work well done.

Now there are only two points left that our ham operator wants to tell Jack’s dad.

This next one is a warning, that if you discourage the boy away from radio, you may be discouraging him away from science.

He titles it Dangers of Discouraging a Boy’s Scientific Interest

He warns that he himself would not like to be the person that is responsible for discouraging the boy away from science. He wonders, where might this interest take him in the world and mentions Edison’s interest in chemistry, Ford’s interest in machinery, and Marconi’s interest in radio,

which were all, at one time, hobbies.

Perhaps this boyish liking for radio may be a signpost of the lad’s destiny. At least, it betokens a mental alertness, a healthy desire for knowledge on the part of Jack that I should welcome with the greatest happiness if I were his father. Give me a boy who asks questions, who experiments, and who takes a keen interest in his hobby. That boy has the foundation for a successful life. He is awake, and his brain “absorbs knowledge as a sponge does water”! I know some boys who go through life with a dull apathetic attitude that is entirely devoid of enthusiasm. Nothing stirs them; nothing arouses their interest. They have only scorn for others who become excited over a hobby. Would you prefer that Jack be one of those fellows ?”


Our letter finishes with a single worded heading that says Resume.

 He tells the dad that from his observations of Jack that this hobby will only have a positive influence on his life and skills. He mentions that this letter comes from a place of compassion and honesty. That his son has picked up a hobby that will grow with him from a young man to an old man, forever learning, experimenting and feeling that sense of achievement and connection.

 In his opinion, you couldn’t ask for a better hobby to have throughout life.


From a simple knowledge of fundamental principles, the amateur can climb upward until he has mastered the intricacies of technical theory. From there, he can set forth, intrepidly into the unexplored reaches of its various fields. Radio is new enough that it holds forth unparalleled opportunities for the radio experimenter.

Ultra-short waves, television, power transmission, and pathological application are but a few of the many fields that beckon the experimenter

The letter ends with…… There you are! My argument is complete! The decision is now in your hands. Will you permit that boy of yours to go ahead with his hobby?

 This article does not mention what happens next. We will undertake some research to see if there is a follow up article, but truthfully… How could a dad say no to these arguments?