PL600 review by troy from free range sailing australia

We were delighted to watch this review by Troy & Pascale from Free Range Sailing who are currently exploring our beautiful country in a 30-foot yacht called Mirrool.

Whilst sailing through northern Australia as well as the west coast of Tasmania there are limited coastal stations broadcasting on VHF.

Using a shortwave radio like the Tecsun PL600 was really beneficial for Troy & Pascale to receive up to date weather forecasts, crucial when sailing.


Most meteorological bureaus will publish the times and frequencies ( these change, day/night) that you will be able to pick up the weather schedule via your shortwave radio.

The radio Pascale used was the Tecsun PL600 Worldband radio. At just $129 The Tecsun PL600 World Band Radio is the perfect entry product to the world of shortwave listening and an essential when traveling to isolated areas.

To view the full video click here.

To learn more about the Tecsun PL600 a fantastic entry-level shortwave radio priced at just $129 click here

If you would like to follow Troy and Pascale’s intrepid adventures ( highly recommended) click here


Q codes were developed by Morse Code operators as a method of communicating quickly and accurately. Rather than send a complete phrase, Q codes were developed to cover most operational situations. Q codes can be used to ask or answer a question, and can be used by operators who speak different languages.

Q codes are approved by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) for use on worldwide radio networks.

For instance if an operator wants to change to another frequency, he can simply advise the party he is speaking with “QSY 7050” meaning “I will change my operating frequency to 7050Khz”. Similarly he could ask “should I change to 7050Khz” by simply saying “QSY 7050”.


So the next time you hear an operator using a Q code, spare a thought for those old-time morse code operators and the time saved by using Q codes.


How is your reception? Here at Tecsun Radios Australia, we have a range of shortwave and digital radios and antennas to suit your needs.

The Tecsun Radios Australia HF amateur radio dipole covers the popular 5/7/10/14/18/21/24/28 and 50Mhz bands. The antenna is rated at 100Watts PEP power handling capability and is supplied in a convenient canvas carry bag.

The antenna comprises a 1:1 balun and 2 bobbins containing the appropriate amount of wire to cover the specified bands. Get yours HERE

tecsun dipole antenna australia



In this age of digital radio and streaming via the internet, it can sometimes be difficult to locate your local ABC AM radio station. 

Here is a list of major ABC AM radios stations by area. All frequencies are in kilohertz (kHz) and all are on the medium wave band (MW).

Sydney 702, Melbourne 774, Adelaide 891, Canberra 2CN 666 and 2RN 846, Perth 720, Alice springs 783, Hobart 936, North and Western SA 639, Western QLD 603, Gippsland 828, Northwestern WA 702, Southwesten WA 1044, Kimberleys 675, North Qld 630.

The Full list is available below. Enter the location in the Search bar to locate the stations for that area.

Location Callsign FrequencyBroadcaster Type
Adelaide S.A.5RN729National
5AN891 National
5PB972 National
Albany W.A.6AL630 National
6VA783 Commercial
Albury N.S.W.2AY1494 Commercial
Albury/Wodonga VIC3RN990Commercial
Alice Springs N.T.8AL783National
Armidale N.S.W.2RN720National
Atherton Q.L.D.4AM558Commercial
Ballarat VIC3BT1314Commercial
Bega N.S.W. 2EC765Commercial
Biloela Q.L.D.4CC666Commercial
Bourke N.S.W.2WEB585Community
Bridgetown W.A.6BY900Commercial
Brisbane QLD4QR612National
Broken Hill N.S.W.2BH567Commercial
Broome W.A.6BE675National
Bunbury W.A.6EL621Commercial
Bundaberg QLD4BU1332Commercial
Burnie TAS7BU558Commercial
Busselton W.A.6BS684National
Byrock N.S.W.2BY657National
Cairns QLD4QY801 National
4EL 846 Commercial
Canberra A.C.T2CN 666 National
2RN 846 National
1RPH 1125 Community
2CC 1206 Commercial
1EA1440 National
Carnarvon W.A.6LN666Commercial
6CA 846 National
Charleville QLD4CH603National
4VL 918 Commercial
Charters Towers QLD4GC 828 Commercial
Cloncurry QLD4LM693Commercial
Cobar N.S.W.2DU972Commercial
Coffs Harbour N.S.W.2HC639Commercial
Colac VIC3Cs1134Commercial
Collie W.A.6TZ1134Commercial
Cooma N.S.W.2XL918Commercial
Corowa N.S.W. 2CO 675National
Cumnock N.S.W.2CR549National
Cunamulla QLD4VL1584Commercial
Dalwallinu W.A.6DL531National
6RN 612National
Darwin N.T.8RN657National
Deniliquin N.S.W.2QN1521Commercial
Derby W.A.6DB873National
Devonport TAS7AD900Commercial
Dubbo N.S.W.2DU1251Commercial
Dysart QLD4HI945Commercial
Eidsvold QLD4QC 855National
Emerald QLD4HI1143Commercial
Esperance W.A.6SE747Commercial
Exmouth W.A.6XM1188National
Fingal TAS7FG1161National
Fitzroy Crossing WA6FX936Community
Geraldton W.A.6GN828National
Gladstone QLD4CC927Commercial
Glen Innes N.S.W.2GL819National
Gordonvale QLD4EL954Commercial
Goulburn N.S.W.2RN1098National
Grafton N.S.W.2NR 738 National
2GF 1206 Commercial
Griffith N.S.W.2RG963Commercial
Gunnedah N.S.W2MO1080Commercial
Gympie QLD4GY558Commercial
Hamilton VIC3HA981Commercial
Hobart TAS7RN585National
Horsham VIC3WV594National
Hughenden QLD4GC765Commercial
Innisfail QLD4KZ531 Commercial
Inverell N.S.W.2NZ1188Commercial
Jabiru N.T.8JB747National
Julia Creek QLD4JK567National
Kalgoorlie W.A.6GF 648 National
6KG 981 Commercial
Karratha W.A.6KP702National
Katanning W.A.6WB 1071 Commercial
Katherine N.T.8RN639National
Kempsey N.S.W.2PM531Commercial
2KP 684 National
Kingaroy QLD4SB1071Commercial
Kununurra W.A.6WR693Commercial
Leigh Creek S.A.5LC1602National
Lismore N.S.W.2LM900Commercial
Lithgow N.S.W.2LT 900 Commercial
2LG1395 National
Longreach QLD4QL540National
Mackay QLD4AA1026Commercial
Manjimup W.A. 6MJ738National
Margaret River W.A.6TZ756 Commercial
Maryborough QLD4FC1161 Commercial
Maryborough VIC3EL1071Commercial
Melbourne VIC3RN 621 National
3CR855 Community
3AK1116 Commercial
3RPH1179 Community
3MP 1377 Commercial
Merredin W.A.6MD1098 Commercial
Mildura VIC3Ml1467Commercial
Moranbah QLD4HI 1215 Commercial
Morawa W.A.6BAY1512 Retransmission
Moree N.S.W.2VM1530Commercial
Mossman QLD4MS639National
Mt Gambier S.A.5SE 963 Commercial
Mt Isa4LM666 Commercial
Mudgee N.S.W.2MG1449Commercial
Murray Bridge S.A.5MU1125Commercial
Murwillumbah N.S.W.2ML720National
Muswellbrook N.S.W.2ML 981 Commercial
Naracoorte S.A.5PA1161National
Narooma N.S.W.2EC 1584 Commercial
Narrogin W.A.6NA918Commercial
Newcastle N.S.W.2HD1143Commercial
2NC 1233 National
2EA 1413 National
2PB 1458 National
Newman W.A.6MW567National
Nhulunbuy N.T.8GO990National
Northam W.A.6AM864 Commercial
6AM1215 National
Nowra N.S.W.2RN 603 National
Oakey QLD4AK1242Commercial
Omeo VIC3MT720National
Orange N.S.W.2EL1089Commercial
Pannawonica W.A.6PN567National
Paraburdoo W.A.6PU567 National
Parkes N.S.W.2PK1404Commercial
Perth W.A.6PB585National
6WF720 National
Pialba QLD4BQ855National
Pt Augusta S.A.5AU1242Commercial
Pt Douglas QLD 4AM1422Commercial
Pt Hedland W.A.6PH603National
Pt Lincoln S.A.5CC765Commercial
Pt Pirie S.A.5CK639National
Queenstown TAS7RN630National
Renmark S.A.5RM 801 Commercial
5RN1305 National
Rockhampton QLD4RK837National
Roma QLD4ZR1476Commercial
Sale VIC3GI828National
Scottsdale TAS7SD540Commercial
Shepparton VIC3SR1260Commercial
St George QLD4QW711 National
St Helens TAS7SH1584National
Streaky Bay S.A.5SY693National
Swan Hill VIC3SH1332Commercial
Sydney N.S.W.2RN 576 National
2PB 630 National
2BL 702 National
2UE 954 Commercial
2KY 1017 Commercial
2CH 1170 Commercial
2RPH 1224 Community
2SB 1269 Commercial
Tamworth N.S.W.2NU 648 National
Taree N.S.W. 2TR 756 National
Tennant Creek N.T.8RN 684 National
Tom Price W.A.6TP567National
Toowoomba QLD4QS747National
Torres Strait QLD4TI 1062National
Townsville QLD4QN630National
Tully QLD4KZ693Commercial
Wagga Wagga N.S.W.2WG1152Commercial
Wagin W.A.6WA 558 National
6RN 1296 National
Wangaratta VIC3RN756National
Warragul VIC3GG531Commercial
Warrnambool VIC3RPH882Community
Warwick QLD4WK963Commercial
Weipa QLD4WP1044National
Wilcannia N.S.W.2RN1485National
Wollongong N.S.W.2EA 1035National
2RN1431 National
2EA1485 National
Woomera S.A.5WM1584National
Wyndham W.A.6WH 1017National

The following radios are ideal for listening to ABC Radio.


The Tecsun Shortwave Outdoor Antenna significantly enhances reception of signals in the medium wave (AM) and shortwave antenna bands coving 0.5-30 MHz. The Tecsun Shortwave Outdoor Antenna is based on the longwire antenna design but provides significantly improved reception over a longwire because the Tecsun Shortwave Outdoor Antenna utilises a matching transformer that acts as a balun with a ratio of 10:1. This provides an optimal match between the 500Ω antenna and the 50Ω input of the external antenna input of a radio greatly increasing the amount of signal provided to the tuner.

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The introduction of switch mode power supplies, light dimmers, flat screen TV sets, computers and their monitors, printers, modems, USB hubs etc and energy saving light bulbs has bought with it a range of interference problems for users of AM and HF shortwave bands.

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