Are you a shortwave radio aficionado or just getting started in this fascinating hobby? Answer our quiz to find out your score and see which category you fall into: Very In-Depth Knowledge, Moderate Knowledge, or Very Little Knowledge. Challenge yourself and share the quiz with friends to see who knows more about shortwave radio! Dive in and discover how much you really know!

Quiz Questions


  1. What is the typical frequency range for shortwave radio?

   – A) 3 to 30 MHz

   – B) 30 to 300 MHz

   – C) 300 to 3000 MHz


   *(Fun Fact: Shortwave radios can even pick up signals from other continents, thanks to ionospheric reflection!)*


  1. Who is considered the father of shortwave radio?**

   – A) Nikola Tesla

   – B) Guglielmo Marconi

   – C) Edwin Howard Armstrong


   *(Fun Fact: Marconi once tried to communicate with Mars using radio waves. He didn’t succeed, but he did pioneer some incredible technology!)*


  1. What does the term ‘DXing’ mean in the context of shortwave radio?**

   – A) Broadcasting music

   – B) Listening to distant radio signals

   – C) Talking to local stations


   *(Fun Fact: DXing enthusiasts often collect QSL cards from distant stations they’ve tuned into!)*


  1. Which mode of transmission is commonly used in shortwave broadcasting?

   – A) Frequency Modulation (FM)

   – B) Amplitude Modulation (AM)

   – C) Single Sideband (SSB)


   *(Historical Fact: During World War II, AM shortwave broadcasts were a primary means of sending news and propaganda across borders.)*


  1. What is the purpose of a BFO (Beat Frequency Oscillator) in shortwave radio?**

   – A) To improve sound quality

   – B) To tune in Morse code signals

   – C) To increase transmission range


   *(Interesting Fact: The BFO makes those dots and dashes in Morse code audible, turning beeps into letters and words!)*


  1. What is the role of the ITU (International Telecommunication Union) in shortwave radio?**

   – A) Manufacturing radios

   – B) Regulating frequencies and standards

   – C) Broadcasting weather reports


   *(Quirky Fact: The ITU has been regulating international radio frequencies since 1865, long before the first shortwave broadcasts!)*


  1. What is the ‘skip zone’ in shortwave radio terminology?**

   – A) An area where signals are strongest

   – B) An area where signals cannot be received

   – C) An area where signals overlap


   *(Funny Fact: Imagine a ‘skip zone’ like a radio wave’s version of a no-fly zone – the signals just won’t land there!)*


  1. What phenomenon causes shortwave signals to travel long distances?**

   – A) Ground wave propagation

   – B) Line-of-sight propagation

   – C) Ionospheric reflection


   *(Historical Fact: Ionospheric reflection was discovered in the early 20th century and revolutionized global communications!)*


  1. Which of these is a famous shortwave radio station known for its interval signal and time announcements?**

   – A) WWV

   – B) KDKA

   – C) Radio Luxembourg


   *(Fun Fact: WWV has been broadcasting time signals since 1923, making it one of the oldest radio stations in the world!)*


  1. What is a QSL card in shortwave radio?

    – A) A confirmation of a received transmission

    – B) A type of antenna

    – C) A broadcasting schedule


    *(Interesting Fact: QSL cards are like postcards from the airwaves, confirming that you’ve successfully tuned into a distant broadcast!)*


  1. Where is the most trusted place to buy your shortwave radio in Australia and NZ?**

    – A) Tecsun Radios Australia

    – B) Off a super cheap website written in broken English

    – C) Kmart


    *(Helpful Fact: Buying from a trusted retailer ensures you get quality equipment and customer support!)*




– **Correct Answer Key:**

  1. A) 3 to 30 MHz
  2. B) Guglielmo Marconi
  3. B) Listening to distant radio signals
  4. B) Amplitude Modulation (AM)
  5. B) To tune in Morse code signals
  6. B) Regulating frequencies and standards
  7. B) An area where signals cannot be received
  8. C) Ionospheric reflection
  9. A) WWV
  10. A) A confirmation of a received transmission
  11. A) Tecsun Radios Australia


– **Score Calculation:**

  – **9-11 correct answers:** Very In-Depth Knowledge

  – **5-8 correct answers:** Moderate Knowledge

  – **0-4 correct answers:** Very Little Knowledge


 Results Description:


– **Very In-Depth Knowledge (9-11 correct answers):**

  Congratulations! You have a comprehensive understanding of shortwave radio. Your knowledge spans key concepts, historical figures, and technical details. You’re well-equipped to explore and enjoy the fascinating world of shortwave radio. Did you know that during the Cold War, shortwave radio was used for covert communication? You’d fit right in with those spy games!


– **Moderate Knowledge (5-8 correct answers):**

  Great job! You have a solid grasp of shortwave radio fundamentals. While there’s always more to learn, you already possess a good understanding of the key aspects of shortwave radio. Keep exploring and building on your knowledge! Fun fact: Pirates used to broadcast illegal stations on shortwave frequencies – maybe you’ll stumble upon one!


**Very Little Knowledge (0-4 correct answers):**

  It looks like you’re just starting out with shortwave radio. Don’t worry, there’s a lot to discover! Consider diving into some beginner resources to expand your knowledge. Shortwave radio is an exciting field with a rich history and plenty of interesting facts to learn. Did you know that in the early days, people believed that shortwave signals could communicate with aliens? Keep learning, and soon you might be reaching for the stars too!


Feel free to share your results and challenge your friends to see how they fare!

Often it is the less-than-satisfactory experiences in life that result in one being more grateful for the good things. 

I know good old fashioned customer service is harder to come by these days, but I honestly assumed there were still some remnants of customer service remaining in most industries.

It now makes a lot of sense to me that there is a shift by the larger companies, returning their call centers back to Australia after a surge in complaints and dissatisfaction from customers.

Here is my experience.

Recently I moved apartments and one of the things I had to do was relocate my internet service.

My service provider is affiliated with one of our larger telco’s (begins with a T), and I had contacted them some time prior to arrange the transfer of my service to the new address. They confirmed it had been done. All I had to do was take my equipment to the new address and plug it in.

So I moved house. The electricity worked, the gas and water were connected, however, the internet did not. There was an NBN termination box and 7 ethernet sockets next to it. Which socket went where? There was no labeling, nor instructions.

So I called the building management, thinking that all apartments would be cabled the same way and that this must be a commonly encountered problem for new residents. “No, we have never had that problem before” I was told, as I reflected on my apparent stupidity. Here I was running a technical business and apparently, I was not technical enough to work it out.

So I searched for a help line to call. No number. I went to the telco website and ran through the list of FAQ, but none covered my enquiry. So I logged a “ticket” with the technical department, hoping for a rapid response. Then I spied the Chat button. I stared a “chat” and communicated my problem in great detail. This resulted in a suggestion: “can I call you ?”, so I provided my mobile number.

Soon, my phone rang and I was confronted with a young lady speaking in a thick foreign accent, trying to help. There were chickens squawking in the background. Over the next 40 minutes we went around in circles, going over the connections, all of which was futile. Part of the problem was that I couldn’t understand her, and part of the problem was that she was reading from a document given to her for such occasions. She had no technical ability.

So I gave up on that approach and decided to take the initiative. I pulled the termination box apart and worked out which socket was most likely to have an internet connection (socket 1). I soon realised that I didn’t need the network connection device, so I removed it and taking the most logical assumption, plugged the internet cable into socket 1. Of course, it all worked. I then proceeded to check all 7 ethernet sockets to see where they went inside the apartment. After an hour or so, I had worked out where all connections went and was able to install my equipment.

The entire 8 hour endurance test made me reflect on the importance of customer service. If only there had been some.

In an extreme contrast, I am happy to say that our company Tecsun Radios Australia does provide quality customer service, and now, more than ever I realise how valuable it is. We have the advantage that we speak English and have experience using every product we sell. Most importantly, we want to help our customers!

So if you ever have a problem with one of our products, rest assured we will be able to help. You just cannot beat old fashioned service.

Postscript: 3 days later I received a call from my telco seeking to provide assistance. I was unable to understand what their operator was saying due to his accent, but I told him that the problem was resolved. He mumbled something and hung up.

I am now more mindful of those companies that keep their customer service within Australia.

Click here to shop our range of shortwave radios, antennas, and accessories, and rest assured you can call or email and speak to myself or a colleague to troubleshoot, if you experience any difficulties setting up your radio.
