
Tecsun Radios Australia Invites You to Share Your best Radio Shack Memories.

In a world buzzing with digital noise, there’s a timeless charm to the crackle and hum of a shortwave radio. It’s more than just a hobby; it’s a journey through time and space, a solitary pursuit that connects us across vast distances. At Tecsun Radios Australia, we understand the magic of shortwave, and we want to celebrate it with you.

Shortwave radio may seem like a solitary hobby, but it has a unique power to bring people together. Whether you’re tuning in to distant broadcasts or chatting with fellow enthusiasts online, there’s a sense of camaraderie that transcends borders and time zones. It’s about more than just the technology; it’s about the memories we create and the connections we forge.

That’s why we’re excited to invite you to participate in our latest competition. We want to see your favourite radio shacks and radios, old and new, and hear the stories behind them.

Whether it’s a vintage set passed down through generations or the latest Tecsun PL 990x, we want to celebrate the rich tapestry of shortwave radio culture.

To enter, simply snap a photo of you holding your oldest radio!  Tell us about the memories it holds, the places it’s taken you, and the people you’ve met along the way. We will also need your permission to share this across our social media, blog, and EDM (our email newsletter)

One lucky winner will receive a free copy of “Southern Signals” by Hugh Tranter – a fascinating exploration of Australia’s history through the lens of communication.

“Southern Signals” reminds us that communication has always been at the heart of human history. From sea-stained dispatches to data sent back from deep space, it’s a story of how we’ve bridged vast distances through war and peace, exploration and growth. It’s a reminder of the power of technology to shape our world and bring us closer together.

So dust off your old radios, fire up your new ones, and join us in celebrating the magic of shortwave radio. Together, let’s create new memories and honour the rich legacy of this timeless hobby. Share your photos, share your stories, and let’s keep the spirit of shortwave alive for generations to come.

Please note this competition runs till the end of March 2024.

To enter the competition simply send a photo of you with your oldest radio and send it via email to we will reply once received!

Join the conversation on social media using the hashtag #TecsunRadioMemories. We can’t wait to see what treasures you uncover and the memories you share.

Want to know more about this fantastic prize book?  Click here


Shortwave radio listening, or SWLing, is a unique hobby that holds a special allure for enthusiasts. It’s a bit like finding hidden treasures in a vast, mysterious landscape, akin to discovering Easter eggs in video games. The enjoyment of SWLing stems from uncovering something that has always been there, waiting to be found, yet often overlooked or dismissed.

If you’re a dedicated shortwave radio enthusiast, you know that a significant part of the enjoyment comes from DXing. DXing, or long-distance listening, is the practice of tuning into distant radio stations, often from other countries or continents. It’s the equivalent of embarking on a grand adventure, where the reward is the joy of discovering elusive signals amidst the cacophony of static and interference. However, DXing is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to maximizing your SWLing experience. Here, we explore additional tips to help you get the best out of your shortwave radio journey.


  1. Understand the Basics: The 25-30-20-25 Rule

To fully appreciate the magic of shortwave radio, it’s essential to grasp the fundamentals. SWLing is not just about the radio itself; it’s a synergy of factors that contribute to the overall experience. Imagine it like this: 25% of the magic lies in the radio you use, 30% is in your outdoor antenna setup, 20% depends on your knowledge of the right time and frequencies for listening, and the remaining 25% revolves around your location. For optimal results, invest in a good radio, set up an efficient antenna, master the art of timing, and seek out quiet places for listening.


  1. Dive into the Metaphorical World of SWLing

There’s a beautiful metaphorical world that can be associated with SWLing, allowing you to look beyond the surface and appreciate the deeper meaning of this hobby. Consider some of these associations:

Tuning into Enjoyable Frequencies: Just as in SWLing, in life, you can choose to tune into the enjoyable frequencies. Identify the things that bring you joy, fulfillment, satisfaction, and make a conscious effort to incorporate them into your daily routine.

Reducing Noise and Adjusting the Tuning: Life often presents noise in the form of irritations, annoyances, and distractions. Like adjusting the tuning on your radio, you can reduce this noise by addressing these irritations and finding ways to enhance your comfort and enjoyment.

The Tuning Is Off: Sometimes, the outcomes in life may not align with your desired goals. Just as in SWLing, where the tuning can be slightly off, in life, you may need to recalibrate your efforts and strategies to get closer to your desired outcomes.

Incorporating these metaphorical perspectives into your SWLing experience can add depth and meaning to your hobby, helping you draw parallels between the art of listening to shortwave radio and the art of living a fulfilling life.

SWLing is a journey of exploration, both in terms of uncovering hidden radio signals and discovering the subtle, metaphorical messages it holds for our lives. By understanding the 25-30-20-25 rule, investing in quality equipment, and embracing the metaphorical aspects, you can truly unlock the magic of shortwave radio and enjoy the profound rewards it offers. So, keep tuning in, and let the hidden secrets of the shortwave world continue to captivate your imagination and enrich your life.


 A celebration of how amateur radio has been serving people for over 100 years.

With over 3 million radio amateurs worldwide this day is the perfect time to tune in and connect with fellow hobbyists.

Date: Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Time : All Day

This year’s theme is “Human Security for All, HS4A” 

The theme is born from a first time partnership between the United Nations Trust Fund for Human Security and the World Academy of Art and Science in conjunction with IARU, in a campaign to highlight the role that amateur radio plays in addressing the world’s most pressing needs.

Human Security measures security at the individual level. First introduced by the U.N. in 1994, the concept identifies seven interrelated dimensions of security that are essential to an individual’s wellbeing: economic, food, health, environmental, personal, community, and political.

The partners believe Amateur Radio is uniquely positioned to address people-centered, context-specific security challenges by promoting technical knowledge, practical skills, innovative technology, and the deployment of backup systems at the community level that can be called upon in times of emergency. The pandemic, climate change, natural disasters, and armed conflicts on several continents undermine our security, and respect no boundaries. Amateur Radio has repeatedly demonstrated its ability to address human security needs. It is a truly global communications medium comprising some three million radio enthusiasts connecting communities and the peoples of the world.

Every year on April 18, Radio Amateurs worldwide take to the airwaves in celebration of Amateur Radio Day. This year the IARU and its member-societies will be conducting a special two-week on-the-air event 11–25 April. Special event stations will be operating from around the world, making two-way radio contacts to call attention to the HS4A campaign. There are a number of stations involved.

Simply click this link to participate,to read more and participate,  look for the blue participate button on the top right of the page and register.

We would love to hear if you are planning to participate.

Products we recommend for this event are the XIEGU G90 HF Transceiver, our HF Amateur Radio Dipole Antenna, and of course, our ultra-comfortable TRA communications headphones, so you can block out the world and improve your listening comfort!




Shortwave radio, the original and most crucial form of radio communication in our history, and dropped by many countries 20 years ago, is set for a resurgence!

Used heavily during the Cold War, shortwave was vital for communications in isolated areas.

After the war, listenership dwindled and as the equipment aged and the energy bills continued to accrue, one of the first in line for budget cuts was shortwave, with no importance placed on replacing it.


Not unlike the song, “Video Killed the Radio Star”, many say that satellites and the internet killed shortwave radio.


Really it is a combination of technology and content delivered directly to the savvy FM listener and streamed to the cell phone obsessed user generally at a reduced cost compared to shortwave. 


As Shortwave dwindled, radio began being broadcast in FM and DAB modes to radios, devices, and laptops, with thousands of listening options. 

Many new broadcasters began piggybacking on the local popular informative radio stations.


This new technology, however, in many countries is not without its issues. At first, it might appear that these are cheaper and more modern options, but slow buffering times, multiplexed DAB+, excessive and expensive cost of data in many countries, as well as a listener’s preference for anonymity has seen a return to shortwave.


As mentioned in previous articles the emerging ability to transmit shortwave radio digitally using DRM ( Digital Radio Mondiale) has seen a resurgence in the use of shortwave due to its wide coverage and heavily reduced cost.


Specifically China has opted to use DRM Shortwave to provide full coverage to the areas between the large cities.


China National Radio broadcasts from five upgraded sites 80 hours a day with seven to eight transmitters sending shortwave DRM to most areas of North China, East China, South China and Southwest China. Russia is also airing DRM in shortwave over huge areas of Siberia.

India is now looking to increase its three DRM shortwave transmitters for further national and international reach. 


Several CRN transmitters beam enormous DRM signals into our part of the world daily.


Indonesia and Brazil are also said to have expressed interest in adapting their shortwave analog over to DRM for greater coverage. 


As mentioned previously Vanuatu, has recently opted for DRM shortwave to save lives in disaster situations by using its integrated emergency warning capability, and a site in the United States has recently started broadcasting in DRM the popular Radio Marti programs toward central and Latin America.


As many areas of the world are re-discovering the value of shortwave we may see the resurgence of shortwave being replaced by its new digital form.


Are you interested in listening to Shortwave radio? Imagine picking up and decoding radio stations from remote areas of the world? Re connect with the world during this time of isolation.


Tecsun Radios Australia has a great range of Shortwave and Digital radios available.

Shop the range here

What you need to do to prepare for a natural disaster or emergency including what essentials you will need to pack in your emergency kit.

Its important to have a discussion with your family on what you would do in the event of a fire/ flood or other natural disaster event before the actual event takes place.

Its important to discuss the following.

How will you access emergency alerts and messages and monitor events? 

The best way of receiving event alerts and updates is via radio. ABC broadcasts hourly updates, more if needed in the local area to keep you informed. In many cases Emergency Services will call the radio station directly. Radio is also the failsafe method of receiving these reports when power is cut and networks are down which often happens during natural disasters

Make a list of radio frequencies of the local ABC and Community radio stations, so you know where to listen. You can find our guide here

In an emergency dial 000. Access to 000 is available on all mobile networks regardless of which network you use. Roaming arrangements are in place so you can use any available network.You can even dial 000 on a phone with no SIM.

Download the “Emergency +” app onto your phone. Do this before any emergency and take note of your GPS location. You might need this for emergency services if they have to find you. The Emergency + App wont work without mobile phone coverage.

Tune in to your local radio, local ABC/emergency broadcaster frequency. You may want to consider a solar powered or battery operated radio because power is often the first thing to go in emergency situations.

If you still have internet keep an eye on the BOM app and investigate your local Flood/ natural disaster and fire apps like the Rural Fire Service “Fires Near Me” App.


 If you are driving, keep updated on road conditions and closures by checking the NSW Transport “Live Traffic” App. There are similar Apps in most states.

At what point would you leave your home?What will be your sign to leave? It could be smoke or fire in your area, lightning and heavy rain or floodwater approaching your property.

Where will you go? Where is there a meeting place that’s safe and away from the disaster area? It might be a friend or relative’s place, or even a shopping centre. Most regional towns have a designated “safe place”. Most local council or community associations have a designated “Safe Place” for residents to go in an emergency.

Find out where your “Safe Place” is located.

What will you take? What would be your essentials you would like to take with you if you were forced to leave your home

Make sure you have an emergency kit prepared and ready to grab when needed. Unfortunately you don’t need an emergency kit until you really do.



Pack a backpack with the following supplies and keep it somewhere safe that is easily accessed when needed.

Storing items in airtight plastic containers and sealer bags will help keep your belongings dry and in good condition both while in storage and during the emergency situation.

Here is a list of your essential items to pack.

  • Flashlight
  • Personal medication
  • Bottled water. Allow 2L per person per day minimum.
  • Food, non perishable, as required..
  • Manual can opener
  • Matches in a waterproof container
  • Candles
  • Cash- if the power is out then the ATMS wont work.
  • Phone “power bank”. Make sure it is changed at all times.
  • Extra batteries for your flashlight
  • Whistle to signal for help
  • Dust masks to help filter contaminated air- P2 masks are best for dust and smoke.
  • Toilet paper, moist towelettes etc for personal sanitation
  • Local maps
  • Sharp knife (penknife)

Repack expired items as needed and re pack/ check your emergency kit every year.

Don’t have an emergency radio yet?

We reccomend the DE13 which features light, alarm, inbuilt Solar Panel and Dynamo hand crank charger that allow you to recharge the internal battery or charge any device by  USB or mini USB including your mobile phone. This is the perfect radio to keep for any emergencies


To get yours, Click here to be directed to this product in our online store.


In this age of digital radio and streaming via the internet, it can sometimes be difficult to locate your local ABC AM radio station. 

Here is a list of major ABC AM radios stations by area. All frequencies are in kilohertz (kHz) and all are on the medium wave band (MW).

Sydney 702, Melbourne 774, Adelaide 891, Canberra 2CN 666 and 2RN 846, Perth 720, Alice springs 783, Hobart 936, North and Western SA 639, Western QLD 603, Gippsland 828, Northwestern WA 702, Southwesten WA 1044, Kimberleys 675, North Qld 630.

The Full list is available below. Enter the location in the Search bar to locate the stations for that area.

Location Callsign FrequencyBroadcaster Type
Adelaide S.A.5RN729National
5AN891 National
5PB972 National
Albany W.A.6AL630 National
6VA783 Commercial
Albury N.S.W.2AY1494 Commercial
Albury/Wodonga VIC3RN990Commercial
Alice Springs N.T.8AL783National
Armidale N.S.W.2RN720National
Atherton Q.L.D.4AM558Commercial
Ballarat VIC3BT1314Commercial
Bega N.S.W. 2EC765Commercial
Biloela Q.L.D.4CC666Commercial
Bourke N.S.W.2WEB585Community
Bridgetown W.A.6BY900Commercial
Brisbane QLD4QR612National
Broken Hill N.S.W.2BH567Commercial
Broome W.A.6BE675National
Bunbury W.A.6EL621Commercial
Bundaberg QLD4BU1332Commercial
Burnie TAS7BU558Commercial
Busselton W.A.6BS684National
Byrock N.S.W.2BY657National
Cairns QLD4QY801 National
4EL 846 Commercial
Canberra A.C.T2CN 666 National
2RN 846 National
1RPH 1125 Community
2CC 1206 Commercial
1EA1440 National
Carnarvon W.A.6LN666Commercial
6CA 846 National
Charleville QLD4CH603National
4VL 918 Commercial
Charters Towers QLD4GC 828 Commercial
Cloncurry QLD4LM693Commercial
Cobar N.S.W.2DU972Commercial
Coffs Harbour N.S.W.2HC639Commercial
Colac VIC3Cs1134Commercial
Collie W.A.6TZ1134Commercial
Cooma N.S.W.2XL918Commercial
Corowa N.S.W. 2CO 675National
Cumnock N.S.W.2CR549National
Cunamulla QLD4VL1584Commercial
Dalwallinu W.A.6DL531National
6RN 612National
Darwin N.T.8RN657National
Deniliquin N.S.W.2QN1521Commercial
Derby W.A.6DB873National
Devonport TAS7AD900Commercial
Dubbo N.S.W.2DU1251Commercial
Dysart QLD4HI945Commercial
Eidsvold QLD4QC 855National
Emerald QLD4HI1143Commercial
Esperance W.A.6SE747Commercial
Exmouth W.A.6XM1188National
Fingal TAS7FG1161National
Fitzroy Crossing WA6FX936Community
Geraldton W.A.6GN828National
Gladstone QLD4CC927Commercial
Glen Innes N.S.W.2GL819National
Gordonvale QLD4EL954Commercial
Goulburn N.S.W.2RN1098National
Grafton N.S.W.2NR 738 National
2GF 1206 Commercial
Griffith N.S.W.2RG963Commercial
Gunnedah N.S.W2MO1080Commercial
Gympie QLD4GY558Commercial
Hamilton VIC3HA981Commercial
Hobart TAS7RN585National
Horsham VIC3WV594National
Hughenden QLD4GC765Commercial
Innisfail QLD4KZ531 Commercial
Inverell N.S.W.2NZ1188Commercial
Jabiru N.T.8JB747National
Julia Creek QLD4JK567National
Kalgoorlie W.A.6GF 648 National
6KG 981 Commercial
Karratha W.A.6KP702National
Katanning W.A.6WB 1071 Commercial
Katherine N.T.8RN639National
Kempsey N.S.W.2PM531Commercial
2KP 684 National
Kingaroy QLD4SB1071Commercial
Kununurra W.A.6WR693Commercial
Leigh Creek S.A.5LC1602National
Lismore N.S.W.2LM900Commercial
Lithgow N.S.W.2LT 900 Commercial
2LG1395 National
Longreach QLD4QL540National
Mackay QLD4AA1026Commercial
Manjimup W.A. 6MJ738National
Margaret River W.A.6TZ756 Commercial
Maryborough QLD4FC1161 Commercial
Maryborough VIC3EL1071Commercial
Melbourne VIC3RN 621 National
3CR855 Community
3AK1116 Commercial
3RPH1179 Community
3MP 1377 Commercial
Merredin W.A.6MD1098 Commercial
Mildura VIC3Ml1467Commercial
Moranbah QLD4HI 1215 Commercial
Morawa W.A.6BAY1512 Retransmission
Moree N.S.W.2VM1530Commercial
Mossman QLD4MS639National
Mt Gambier S.A.5SE 963 Commercial
Mt Isa4LM666 Commercial
Mudgee N.S.W.2MG1449Commercial
Murray Bridge S.A.5MU1125Commercial
Murwillumbah N.S.W.2ML720National
Muswellbrook N.S.W.2ML 981 Commercial
Naracoorte S.A.5PA1161National
Narooma N.S.W.2EC 1584 Commercial
Narrogin W.A.6NA918Commercial
Newcastle N.S.W.2HD1143Commercial
2NC 1233 National
2EA 1413 National
2PB 1458 National
Newman W.A.6MW567National
Nhulunbuy N.T.8GO990National
Northam W.A.6AM864 Commercial
6AM1215 National
Nowra N.S.W.2RN 603 National
Oakey QLD4AK1242Commercial
Omeo VIC3MT720National
Orange N.S.W.2EL1089Commercial
Pannawonica W.A.6PN567National
Paraburdoo W.A.6PU567 National
Parkes N.S.W.2PK1404Commercial
Perth W.A.6PB585National
6WF720 National
Pialba QLD4BQ855National
Pt Augusta S.A.5AU1242Commercial
Pt Douglas QLD 4AM1422Commercial
Pt Hedland W.A.6PH603National
Pt Lincoln S.A.5CC765Commercial
Pt Pirie S.A.5CK639National
Queenstown TAS7RN630National
Renmark S.A.5RM 801 Commercial
5RN1305 National
Rockhampton QLD4RK837National
Roma QLD4ZR1476Commercial
Sale VIC3GI828National
Scottsdale TAS7SD540Commercial
Shepparton VIC3SR1260Commercial
St George QLD4QW711 National
St Helens TAS7SH1584National
Streaky Bay S.A.5SY693National
Swan Hill VIC3SH1332Commercial
Sydney N.S.W.2RN 576 National
2PB 630 National
2BL 702 National
2UE 954 Commercial
2KY 1017 Commercial
2CH 1170 Commercial
2RPH 1224 Community
2SB 1269 Commercial
Tamworth N.S.W.2NU 648 National
Taree N.S.W. 2TR 756 National
Tennant Creek N.T.8RN 684 National
Tom Price W.A.6TP567National
Toowoomba QLD4QS747National
Torres Strait QLD4TI 1062National
Townsville QLD4QN630National
Tully QLD4KZ693Commercial
Wagga Wagga N.S.W.2WG1152Commercial
Wagin W.A.6WA 558 National
6RN 1296 National
Wangaratta VIC3RN756National
Warragul VIC3GG531Commercial
Warrnambool VIC3RPH882Community
Warwick QLD4WK963Commercial
Weipa QLD4WP1044National
Wilcannia N.S.W.2RN1485National
Wollongong N.S.W.2EA 1035National
2RN1431 National
2EA1485 National
Woomera S.A.5WM1584National
Wyndham W.A.6WH 1017National

The following radios are ideal for listening to ABC Radio.


During this past week with the devastating fires that have occurred throughout Australia many people have been left cut off from loved ones with roads being blocked and widespread extreme fire danger.

During natural disasters, conditions can change in a second, a simple thing like a switch in the wind direction can change everything.

Remaining in contact with Safety officials about evacuation or weather updates is crucial

Holiday makers fleeing vast “tourist leave zones” have found themselves stranded without power and water. Whole communities have been forced to flee their homes. 

Here’s our guide on the best ways to communicate during times of emergency including if you have lost power and internet.

This guide relates to use around Australia but also to communicate with people/ family overseas.

By using communication methods both online and offline and educating yourself on options for all situations including loss of power. You can ensure you are prepared at a time you may need it most.

  1. Emergency Radios: We are starting here because unfortunately during major bush fires, people can be in very remote areas and experience power and network outages. Emergency Radio is the only way you will be able to hear crucial safety messages. These compact units are essential to any emergency kit. Battery operated Emergency Radios capable of receiving broadcasts in the AM, FM, and Shortwave frequency bands provide a long range and simple method of keeping up to date with the latest emergency information. Traditional radio broadcasts cover a much wider area than mobile phone towers allowing signals to be received from much further away mitigating against local power and mobile phone outages.
  2. Apps: Downloads of the “Fires near me “App surged to over 750,000 in November when NSW was declared a state of emergency. Being able to open an app and see in real time where the fires were burning and what category they were was extremely helpful to people in fire affected areas and for those with family and friends in fire effected areas.
  3. Text Messages and Text Alerts: During a fire you may receive warnings on your mobile phone. With warnings and instructions on what to do. You however will not receive the message if the network is down or if your phone is switched off.
  4. Phone Calls: Phone lines can become over run during times of emergency, so the advice given is to keep your conversation brief and convey only vital information. emergency services may contact you with a recorded warning for your area. In many emergencies power and communications can be interrupted so Try to conserve the power on your phone by doing the following. Disconnect the phone battery and only plug it in at intervals to avoid draining it. Close all web pages and unnecessary apps. This should ensure you get the most life out of your battery because you just don’t know how long you may be without power.
  5. Social Media: Using Facebook or Instagram allows users to tell their friends and family that they are safe and live report what is happening. Social media has proven to help improve people’s awareness and preparedness for natural disasters.

Additionally, radio is a broadcast medium of communication meaning that many people receive the same message simultaneously so if you miss an update your friends and neighbours in the local area can hear the same message and relay it to you. 

The ABC is the designated Emergency Broadcaster and will provide updates on local AM and FM stations in times of imminent danger. Additionally, the Bureau of Meteorology broadcast two weather services in the Shortwave Radio bands for Australia on the East and West Coasts. Both services broadcast bulletins and warnings on the hour.

In addition to this some radios on the market like the Tecsun DE13 Emergency AM/FM/SW Solar Radio includes some additional features like a Led torch. A red flashing distress Led light designed as a personal locator and distress siren. These compact hand held radios are built for situations where there is no power and utilise both solar and hand cranked power sources.

It’s important to make your own evacuation plan and be prepared for the worst. Natural disasters often occur without much warning so planning before hand will pay off when you need it most.

If you are interested in equipping yourself with an emergency radio, we have some great radios that are small enough to simply click on your belt, right through to larger versions with multiple capabilities. 

Here are some of our most popular emergency radios.


Image Via Northern Daily Leader.