Tecsun Radios Australia are proud sponsors of the two upcoming field day events.
The CCARC Wyong Field Day “MayHam”2021 on SUNDAY, 30 MAY 2021
And the ORARC 2021 Field Day on Saturday and Sunday the 12th and 13th of June 2021 during the Queens Birthday Long Weekend.

MAYHAM at Wyong will feature car boot sales, new product releases, opportunities to attain or extend or upgrade your radio licenses as well as a fantastic range of lectures on a variety of topics including noise reduction, operational amplifiers, and tube radio.
Tune in while you find a bargain at the car boot sale.

Have you heard about the fox hunt?
Radio direction finding (Fox Hunting) is used to find sources of interference to any form of wireless electronic communications, including broadcast and two-way radio. Amateurs use RDF for a variety of reasons, but more often, they use it just for fun. Hidden transmitter hunting has been done by amateurs for many years. Using ‘hide-and-seek” procedures, amateur radio operators (“Hounds”) take up the task of finding hidden transmitters (the “Fox”). Numerous cunning tricks are played by those hiding a Fox as they seek to elude the Hounds. In Australia, Foxhunting includes travel in a car, and DFing a hidden transmitter on the move, whilst following all current road rules. Then the Hounds, become pedestrians to discover the hiding spot of the transmitter, the “Fox”. Foxhunts can also be held over relatively short courses requiring Hounds to do all of their DFing on foot. Sometimes the”Fox” may be disguised to make the hunt more difficult, so watch out for “Wolves” when you are hunting too. Whatever the case, it is a fun activity!
Fox Hunt Purpose:
- a) Provide practice and enhance skill in radio direction finding for and by radio amateurs.
- b) Promote teamwork within the amateur community.
- c) To help newcomers and old-timers alike in the skills of radio direction finding.
But most of all:
- d) To have fun!
Tecsun Radios Australia is offering free tickets to this event, simply send an email to hello@tecsunradios.com.au with the subject line FREE TICKETS and we will have your name added to the door list.

The Oxley Region Amateur Radio Club annual Field Day will be held at the Wauchope Showground hall with all the usual field day activities on Saturday and Sunday the 12th and 13th of June 2021 during the Queen’s Birthday Long Weekend. The Field Day dinner will be held at the Port Macquarie Golf Club on the Saturday night. Mark your calendar now. The Wauchope Showground permits camping so it is possible to stay on site in your own motor home, caravan or tent with power and amenities.
Tecsun Radios Australia have contributed a PL-330 receiver to the ORARC 2021 Field day raffle that will be held during the event.