S-2200x English Manual (2024-06-03)Now in stock !!
The new Tecsun S2200x receiver carries on the tradition set by the S2000 for the last several decades. Incorporating many new features, this design blends the appearance of traditional tabletop receivers with modern circuitry and performance. The receiver covers the following frequency ranges: 50- 522 kHz, 520-1720 kHz, 1711-29999 kHz, 64-108 Mhz, and 118-137 Mhz. This new receiver utilises analogue high IF circuitry for AM, triple IF conversion and DSP digital demodulation technology to greatly enhance reception sensitivity, selectivity and anti-image interference capability. The receiver has 5 user selectable IF bandwidth filters for LW,MW, SW and VHF airband. SSB tuning (LSB or USB) can be incremented in 10Hz steps. Synchronous detection is available on LW,MW and SW. performance is vastly improved over the previous model S-2000 on all bands. The receiver can facilitate low impedance connection to external antennas for VHF/FM and SW and MW, as well as a high impedance connection for longwire antennas. The receiver operates from 2 x 18650 LiOn batteries or 4 regular D cells. Standby current drain is 100uA. Over 9000 stations can be stored in memory. The receiver also supports clock, two timers, snooze, squelch function, independant fast/slow tuning controls, analogue S meter, facilities for connection to external audio amplifier or recorder.
Supplied with two 18650 Li-ion batteries, USB charging lead and power supply, 2 x push on BNC plugs, and one of each BNC male to SMA female and BNC female to 3.5mm mono coaxial adaptors.
Receive your free copy of the 2024 World radio and TV Handbook with every S-2200x order whist stocks last !
Stephen Hinder (verified owner) –
GREAT Radio – This shortwave radio replaces the Tecsun s2000. Released on the 28th August 2024. Regarded by many as a very expensive radio, in my opinion it’s worth every cent. I placed my order on the day of release and was delivered on the 3rd of September 2024, delivery was quick 4 days by memory. Though I was a bit disappointed with the logistics side of Tecsun as the radio cost was $660 and shipping cost was $30 thats $690 all up, no signature was required it was just placed near the front door, but the packaging was good. Now, the radio. No great change in appearance of the previous model s2000 but apparently a lot of changes inside. I have been following a lot of YouTube reviews, as I have had no experience with the s2000. Operation of this radio is very good. There’s no muting when turning through bands, a lot of shortwave’s have that these days and it’s very hard to get used too. I’m in a very high static area and it does affect listening to some stations. MW band is great the rotation antenna works very well. Airband works very well, though once again filled with lots of static, there is a squelch dial but in my opinion is totally useless it doesn’t mute like a squelch should it’s like another volume or RF gain control. I’m a bit up in the air with all those external antenna ports, I am experimenting with antenna’s and I’m finding that using those external ports don’t seem to do much at all, if anything… I am just using a “long wire” with an alligator clips clipped to the extendable internal antenna. Oh and those ports have a int/ext switch. I have to give the team at Tecsun Australia a high five. I reported that an antenna adaptor for the LW/MW rotation antenna didn’t fit properly, it kept pushing itself out. Garry sent me the proper adaptors and I received them the next day, unreal!!!! Now speaking of that I used my. “long wire” for the LW/MW bands and all went quiet. Oh a long press on the number 3 on the MW band switches to the external antenna WoW reception is increaseed. All other bands the way I’m using the “long wire” works good. I’m pleased with all other functions, appearance is great. Thank you Tecsun…